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Lin Luo and Man Li P’25

Lin Luo and Man Li P'25

Meet Our Donors - Lin Luo and Man Li P’25

The Episcopal experience is universal. Whether you are down the street, on the other side of the country, or across the world, we all are connected by a love for this place. That certainly is the case for Lin Luo and Man Li, parents of Cindy Luo ’25.

When Cindy first came to Episcopal at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, her parents were worried. They were 7,000 miles away in Beijing, where quarantines and travel restrictions prevented them from seeing their then 13-year-old daughter for an entire year. Despite the distance, they felt at peace knowing Cindy was safe and cared for at Episcopal. “You all connect families around the world,” they said, “making us one big family.”

The Luos view philanthropy as a way to give back to a place that has given much to them and their daughter. This year, the family contributed an unrestricted gift to The Power of Parent Giving, an initiative within the Courage Campaign which aims to raise $30 million from parents and grandparents. They said they were inspired by other parents at the School who joined the initiative, and they wanted to give back in their own way.

The Luos feel passionate about giving their time to EHS as well. “We always want to do more for the school,” Li said of their mindset. This summer, Head of School Charley Stillwell and Assistant Head for Advancement Christina Holt traveled to Beijing, where the Luo family and other local parents took them around their city, giving them a firsthand look into the city’s rich culture and history. For the Luos, it was an opportunity to show Stillwell and Holt the hospitality they have always felt on Episcopal’s campus. “When we come to EHS,” Luo said, “we feel nothing but kindness.”