Message From the Head of School
Message From the Head of School
It is with a great sense of pride and gratitude that I look back on the 2023-24 school year. Led by an outstanding senior class and our gifted and caring faculty and staff, the School experienced remarkable success and excitement in all areas of school life. From elevating academic excellence to new heights through the use of Washington’s many resources to enhancing the strength of community and unity on campus in any number of ways, the students and adults accomplished so many wonderful things together. These many accomplishments would never have been possible without the amazing generosity and support of our parents, alumni, and many special friends.
It was especially rewarding in the 2023-24 school year to see so many initiatives from our Strategic Plan and our Courage Campaign fully blossom. Our McCain-Ravenel Center for Intellectual and Moral Courage inspired our faculty to use Washington as never before, and nearly 700 distinct academic class visits to interact with intriguing Washington resources took advantage of our new daily and weekly schedule. Our new residential life curriculum engaged the students around critical strength of character and community questions including how to be a good friend, roommate, classmate, and teammate while reminding them that our core values of honor, kindness, respect for each individual as a child of God, and rigorous pursuit of genuine achievement represent the bonds that unify us. It was exciting to live into a full year of operation for our two wonderful new dorms and our exceptional deButts Health & Wellness Center, and we used this past summer to prepare our Hummel and McGuire dormitories to host our new freshmen village for all our ninth grade students.
None of these exciting aspects of this past school year as well as the many other spectacular moments in athletics, arts, and service beyond our gates would have been possible without the outstanding support and generosity of so many in our school family. The success of our ongoing Courage Campaign efforts as well as our annual Roll Call campaign this past year were inspirational. I continue to marvel at the dedication and commitment of our alumni as they help us to ensure that Episcopal not only remains an exceptional school but constantly seeks to reach new heights of excellence. Our parents are also fantastic in helping us pursue critical initiatives. All of these resources allow us to support our wonderful faculty and staff as they seek to strengthen the student experience.
The School and our Board of Trustees appreciate how vital these resources are. This past year the Board and its Investment Committee also worked diligently to provide exceptional oversight of our endowment resources and other funds. A new investment consultant, Partners Capital, joined forces with the Investment Committee and will serve as a key support system in the stewardship of our endowment moving forward.
Special thanks once again to all who supported Episcopal in this past year. We are grateful for your loyal support, and we take great pride in making sure that the experience of our students is second to none.

Charles M. Stillwell P’18
Head of School