The Callaway Loyalty Society
The Callaway Loyalty Society - 20+ Years Consecutive Giving
Established in 2012, the Callaway Loyalty Society recognizes Episcopal’s most loyal alumni donors — those who support EHS year after year, no matter the gift amount. This society is named in honor of long-time math teacher and coach, Mr. Patrick Henry Callaway, whose steadfast loyalty and dedication to the values and mission of The High School inspired generations of students. Like Mr. Callaway, these alumni lead by example and provide the support needed for our students to grow academically and morally.
Preston Holliday Abbott '65
Lee Sanford Ainslie, Jr. '56
Lee S. Ainslie III '82
H. Heath Alexander '72
George Ashley Allen '61
R. Cotten Alston III '63
Edward Almer Ames III '57
William Case Anderson '03
Shepard B. Ansley '57
Hugh Taylor Antrim '67
John Lockman Appleby '77
Harry J. Archer III '78
Christian O'Neal Avery '88
Fred Washington Bailey III '86
James Hamilton Baird, Jr. '80
Charles Douglas Baldecchi '89
Bryan Baldwin '66
Milton A. Barber IV '78
James Winslow Bard '86
John Chapman Bard '76
Attison Leonard Barnes III '82
Paul J. Barringer III '85
James Orin Bass, Jr. '55
James Payne Beckwith, Jr. '67
Alyson Evans Beha '98
Harry K. Benham III '58
Craig Miller Bennett, Jr. '71
Frederick Harding Billups, Jr. '56
James Bell Black III '64
Winslow Moore Blankenship '03
William Edgar Bobbitt, Jr. '61
Alexander Hamilton Bocock '86
John Holmes Bocock '82
Thomas Dunlop Bond '58
Morton Boyd, Jr. '54
Thomas Munford Boyd, Jr. '58
Alan Forbes Brackett, Jr. '72
James Read Branch, Jr. '67
H. Harrison Braxton, Jr. '54
Leonard Howard Brooks, Jr. '81
Joseph Melville Broughton III '75
Grant Ridgely Brown '02
Norris Arnold Broyles, Jr. '48
James K. Bruton, Jr. '62
Richard Bayly Buck III '69
George P. Buckey IV '44
Anton Joslyn Bueschen, Jr. '85
Donald Montgomery Burke '90
James Mason Burke '72
Robert George Burleson, Jr. '90
Joseph Eugene Burns '82
John Woodfin Burress III '54
Ms. Gretchen Christina Byrd '95
Alexander Lawrence Cann, Jr. '84
John Pearce Cann III '59
Nicholas Carosi IV '97
David Wilkinson Carr, Jr. '73
John Dabney Carr, Jr. '68
Keith Emile Carr '03
W. Lyles Carr III '68
Dennis Vaughn Casey '91
John Sloan Cathcart '69
Paul Hamilton Cathcart '60
Lamar John Ryan Cecil, Jr. '50
Maj. William John Cherkauskas '98
James Felix Clardy, Jr. '78
Samuel Smith Clark III '59
Fred DeMasse Clarke III '66
Jeffrey Blaine Clarke '89
John Edward Clarkson '48
Whittington W. Clement '66
Peter Roberts Coffin '70
Elwood Brogden Coley, Jr. '73
Robert Monroe Collie III '94
Charles Bell Compton, Jr. '73
Frank Henry Conner, Jr. '52
Pearce Crisfield Connerat '57
Charles Wilkerson Cook, Jr. '52
James Wallace Cook '58
Jane Pope Cooper '96
Massie Payne Cooper '03
William Fairfax Cooper '86
Charles VanOrden Covell, Jr. '54
Tench Coxe '76
Charles Stillwell Craighill '79
W. Page Dame III '59
Charles Owens Davidson '64
Joshua Winborne Davis '95
Oscar Swift Davis '54
Richard Ralph Davis '54
William Blount Rodman Davis '70
William Hunter deButts III '76
Stanhope Bayne-Jones Denegre '70
J. Caulley Deringer '82
Thomas Harmon Dickinson '96
Herbert Alcorn Donovan, Jr. '49
William Miller Drennen, Jr. '60
Thomas Underwood Dudley II '61
Eliza Smith Dunn '02
Joseph Laurence Dunn, Jr. '85
Edmund Nelson Durden '88
Benjamin Prescott Edmunds, Jr. '52
Beverley P. Eggleston III '62
William Davis Elliot '64
William Perry Epes III '65
James O. Erwin IV '89
James Arnold Everett '67
Robert Caull Garrou Exum '83
Robert Campbell Farmer '74
James DuBois Farrar, Jr. '70
Donald MacKenzie Faulkner, Jr. '52
Donald Mackenzie Faulkner III '78
Charles T. Fitzgerald, Jr. '55
William Seyfert Flippin '59
Jeffrey Y. Flynn '80
Charles Dunsmore Fox IV '71
R. B. Nash Francis, Jr. '74
George Carl Francisco III '47
Capt. Powell A. Fraser, Jr. '67
James Stokes Frazer III '57
Ernest William Fry '42
Anton Henry Gaede III '84
Harry Whitehead Gamble, Jr. '54
Timothy Michael Garon '99
Sydney Alfred Gervin III '66
Frank Huger Gibbes III '62
Christopher Moher Giblin '86
Charles Pierson Gilchrist III '67
Frederick Lee Glaize III '54
Philip Boyd Glaize, Jr. '74
Dylan Coburn Glenn '87
James Bunyan Glover, Jr. '77
John Conger Glover '81
Lucy Whittle Goldstein '97
Thomas McBride Goodrum, Jr. '86
William C. Goodwin III '95
John Victor Grainger IV '70
Benjamin Holt Gray '69
Marvin Lee Gray, Jr. '62
William Calvert Gray '67
Julia Doffermyre Green '96
Nathaniel A. Gregory, Jr. '66
Louis Kennerly Gump '85
Warren Miller Gump '89
Richard Barbee Gwathmey, Jr. '65
David Stanford Haddock II '87
Donald May Haddock '59
Steven Ernst Hagenlock '87
H. Thomas Hall III '64
Brenton Shaw Halsey '45
James William Haltiwanger, Jr. '65
George Bernard Hamilton '55
Ms. Ellen Clark Hampton '63
William Luther Hand III '73
Bartell Townsend Hardison '82
James Archibald Hardison IV '75
Scott Crissman Harris '97
Stephen Walker Harris, Jr. '86
Robert Lynah Harrison '57
Malcolm Towns Hartman '64
E. Burke Haywood '71
Hubert Benbury Haywood III '64
C. Carrington Herbert, Jr. '68
Landon Hilliard III '58
Jennings Wise Hobson III '66
Vincent Stafford Hodge, Jr. '89
John Gill Holland '54
Charles Franklin Hollis III '87
Howell Hollis III '66
Michael McElwee Holt '83
John Carlyle Herbert Hooff, Jr. '67
Ms. Josephine Elizabeth Horsey '00
William Leggette Hughes '79
William B. Inabnet III '83
Robert Price Irons, Jr. '64
Grady Overton Jackson III '92
Clay Reade Jacob '70
Christopher Tate Jacobs '93
W. Borden James '83
Patrick Joseph Johnson '87
Stephen Morgan Johnson, Jr. '02
Alexander Susong Jones '64
Charles Hill Jones III '86
Gregg King Jones '68
J. David Jones, Jr. '75
John Martin Jones, Jr. '60
Laura Faulders Jordan '02
Brian Boiroihme Kane III '77
Emerson Polk Kellam, Jr. '61
William Huske Kelly '76
David Blair Kelso '70
David Meade Kern '71
W. Verdery Kerr '67
C. Judson King III '52
Henry Lumpkin King '74
Robert Gilliam Kittrell III '74
Sarah Akridge Knutson '96
Judson Luke Kroh '01
William David Simpson Kuhne '84
Philip Dandridge Laird III '65
Ross Warren Lampe, Jr. '73
Harry Leland Lawson IV '84
Richard H. Lee '65
Stephen Huger Lee '75
Phil A. Lepanto '91
William Alexander Lesman '91
James Meriwether Lewis '64
Edward Guerrant Lilly III '82
Alex Liu '76
Charles Markley Logan '59
Fielding Lewis Logan, Jr. '57
George Willis Logan '63
William Matthews Long III '84
Palmer Bradley Lummis '73
David Henning Luther '70
Katherine Leggett Mabry '00
Douglass Sorrel Mackall III '49
John Evander MacNair III '62
John Roberts Maddox '51
Edward Stephens Martin '61
Marty Martin '69
James Dunn Mason IV '73
Robert Elijah Mason IV '77
Malcolm Matheson III '55
Robert Vernon May '64
Joseph Dixon Mayo III '71
Emmett Francis McGee, Jr. '77
Milton Bradford McGinty '65
Alexander James McKinnon '81
Capt. James Leonard McVoy '45
Elizabeth Watts Metcalf '00
Randolph Carlos Metcalfe '72
Tyler Drew Meurlin '96
B. Saunders Midyette '58
James Isaac Miller '94
William Thomas Mitchener '76
Austin Talley Moore, Jr. '53
Benjamin Allston Moore III '83
George Walker St. Clair Moore, Jr. '68
Virginia Wellford Moore-Carr '03
Hugh Jackson Morgan, Jr. '46
Henry Spears Mullen, Jr. '70
John Reid Murchison III '72
Shade Murray, Jr. '59
Charles Joseph Nager, Jr. '46
Brooks Emerson Nelson '83
James Edwin Newman, Jr. '70
Blake Tyler Newton III '60
Jonathan Alexander Nichols '81
Charles Norris Nielsen '56
Hayes Acklen Noel '59
Charles Kilbourne Nulsen III '75
William Levi Old III '68
Charles Elis Olsson '82
Norwood Bentley Orrick, Jr. '55
C. Penn Owen III '77
Bailey Patrick, Jr. '53
Bailey W. Patrick '79
Julian Hardy Patten II '51
William Smith Peebles IV '73
William Ravenel Peelle, Jr. '66
Howard A. Penton III '83
LeRoy Davis Percy '89
William Alexander Percy II '57
Richard G. Pfefferkorn '75
Louis Anthony Pfohl '94
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney '57
St. George Bryan Pinckney '65
Rodney Creamer Pitts '64
St. Julian Oppenhimer Pollard '89
Richard Wellington Porter '62
Philip Terrill Porterfield III '67
Carl Sutton Ragsdale '58
Middleton Elliott Randolph, Jr. '61
John Agrippa Redhead IV '86
Robert Williams Rice, Jr. '89
Hugh I. Richardson, Jr. '48
Joseph Walker Richmond, Jr. '62
Henry Carrington Riely '73
Bruce Huyler Rinehart '56
John Ritchie, Jr. '50
William Allen Roach '74
Russell Hill Roberts '56
Gregory Branch Robertson '69
Lewis Paisley Rogers '70
Robert Jett Rogers, Jr. '79
Dalton Dillard Ruffin, Jr. '76
Edward Rutledge '70
Paul Edmunds Sackett, Jr. '54
Milton Jarnagin Sams '70
Austin Bartholomew Sayre, Jr. '48
Michael Ottmar Schmidt '80
Louis Allan Schmitt '02
David Martin Schnorrenberg '82
David Edward Schoen '03
Robert Strother Scott '63
Bruce Wynne Sharpe '68
Paul Hendrick Sheehy '81
Richard Caldwell Sherrill '56
English Showalter, Jr. '52
Abel Alexander Shuford II '62
A. Pope Shuford '58
Stephenson Pope Shuford '87
Robert Morgan Sickles '97
David Lanier Simpson '62
James Daniel Simpson III '59
William Alden Simpson '94
Samuel Cooper Smart '63
Andrew Tucker Smith '96
Donnell Middleton Smith, Jr. '69
E. Dan Smith II '55
Howard Worth Smith III '76
J. Arthur Smith IV '82
Nelson Page Smith '69
Park Bowie Smith, Jr. '74
Daniel Lafayette Smythe, Jr. '58
Henry Buist Smythe, Jr. '66
Geoffrey Powell Snodgrass '71
Richard C. J. Somerville '58
R. Andrew Spainhour '89
John Wesley Spears, Jr. '66
Robert Leigh Spruill '82
C. Norman Stallings, Jr. '64
George Craig Stewart III '70
Willard Bacon Stubbs '81
James B. Sutton '84
Eugene Arthur Taylor III '86
Jerry Jürgen Taylor '81
Richard Rohner Taylor '82
Robert Love Taylor, Jr. '57
C. J. Steuart Thomas III '79
Jeffrey Chacko Thomas '76
W. M. Merrick Thomas '66
Ms. Kathryn Elmore Thomson '00
Wayt Bell Timberlake III '63
Rixey Browning Todd '65
Charles Vawter Tompkins, Jr. '54
John LeRoy Townsend III '73
John Comer Train '66
Katherine Rose Trotter '95
Robert Powel Trout '66
Russell Gray Vance '73
Thomas Ruffin Vandeventer '74
Laurance Browning VanMeter '76
Helen Grassi Vest '03
Andrew W. von Gontard '01
Edward B. Walker '85
John Luther Walker III '79
William Crane Washburn, Jr. '62
Jeffrey Patrick Weidenfeller '90
Charles Edward Weitzel '62
Raymond Patrick Weston '85
S. Nelson Weston '54
William Weston III '52
David Jordan Whichard IV '03
Reid White '53
William Dawson Wiley '89
David F. Williams '69
Donaldson Gray Williams '80
Ernest Herbert Williams, Jr. '64
Samuel Goode Williams, Jr. '63
Toby Stack Wilt, Jr. '95
Charles McKimmon Winston, Jr. '78
Henry A. Wise II '55
David Flippin Woltz '85
E. Jenner Wood III '70
James W. Woodruff III '67
S. Dillon Wooten, Jr. '57
Richard Fenner Yarborough, Jr. '63
John Adam Zapf II '69
Ellis Charles Zaytoun '81
* deseased